- My baby bjorn of course...we go everywhere together. This kid is on that bjorn most of the day...we walk to the shops, or the coffee shop, we vacuum and mop the floor and recently we have washed the dishes and prepared the purees for .
- Cup of nescafe coffee first thing in the morning. When Bubba G wakes up, I go into her room unwrap her give her a massive kiss hello and then go and boil the kettle (priorities people!) I then make my coffee have a sip or two and then make her bottle.
- My local coffee shop across the road. The woman who owns it sees me up to twice a day some days. Nothing more to say about this.
- My Save our Sleep Book. The book is my bible...I am constantly checking up on things and reading up on how I can problem solve any sleeping issues that I may be having with Bubba G
- My iphone. For a couple of reasons: I am taking videos and photos of Bubba G all day long and sending them through to Daddy, and I check my facebook account about 15 times a day and sometimes can spend about half an hour reading the save our sleep facebook page and reading up on what other mums are going through and what advice they give (I have gained lots of tips from those mothers who post on their all day long).
- The mother's group. I look forward to meeting up with the girls every Thursday at the local coffee shop. We spend up to 2 hours chatting and brainstorming any issues we may be having with our babies, and just generally having a good old gossip (and sometimes whinging about our husbands! haha)
Nice list! I'm loving my tea at the moment - throat is a bit raspy this morning...