Sunday, March 13, 2011

Jet Setter - to Brisbane

Bubba G and I survived our first plane trip together as Mother and Daughter to visit Abuelita and Tata in Brisbane.  Here's how it went...

As I am a massive follower of Tizzy and her Save Our Sleep routine, I made sure that I booked our flights at a time that Bubba G was due her sleep.  The bags were packed from the night before and the following morning was a carefully orchestrated chain of events. I woke up before Bubba G and had a shower, made my coffee and made sure I was 90% ready so that when it was time for Bubba G to wake up I would feed her and then Daddy would put all the stuff in the car and then we would set of to the airport.  The Carry on luggage was not only full of nappies/wipes and all the normal things I take when heading out with Bubba G, but I had two extra bottles in case the plane was delayed, plus I had made a bottle to give to her once we took off.  I also bought a dummy (not a fan of them myself but needed to have extra things on hand for the take off) and had packed panadol and a thermometer (not sure why I packed the thermometer but as a first time traveller with a baby I didn't want to take any chances).  Just before we boarded the plane Bubba G fell asleep in my arms and looked absolutely adorable and peaceful as I boarded the plane and took my seat.  I took the blanket I had also packed and tried to do a semi-wrap job so that she would feel cozy.  AS WE WERE ABOUT TO TAKE OFF, she wakes up....a bit of panic set in as I thought she was going to start crying so with a bit of signing from me and the bottle, she happily sucked away as the plane took off.  She was now fully awake and working the room with the stewardess and fellow passengers who were admiring my beautiful child (whilst I was loving all the attention bubba G was getting, in the back of my mind I was thinking that these people were over stimulating her and it would be a nightmare to get her back to sleep). But I gave her the dummy (I hope Daddy isn't reading this as we agreed NO DUMMIES as a sleeping aid...but I figured it was a special occasion).  and she fell asleep for at least 20 minutes and by the time she woke up we were on our way down, and before I knew it we had landed. 

She was an absolute dream and I really can't complain...however for the rest of the day she was unsettled and the poor little thing didn't know what was going on....bunch of crazy Latinos all wanting a peace of her (usually its just one crazy Latino - me) but this time it was three more! poor thing didn't get ANY of her scheduled sleeps but hopefully her forty minute bath has set her for the night and she gets a good night's rest so that tomorrow we begin fresh and the routine continues once again.

Although she was whinging a bit this afternoon, we did get some great laughs and was able to catch it on camera.  Absolutely adorable with her uncle Danny.

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