Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mama's birth

Today I went to my 35 week check up with the Obstetrician and it seems that Bubba G is in the posteria position  ( ) So it has had me googling all day long about what I can do to get Miss Gallagher to start moving to the right position! Alas....I have plenty of exercises I should have  be doing get this baby to start moving around.

What it also got me thinking.....was, is this possibly karma? just because I was in the incorrect position when abuelita was pregnant and she had to have a Cesarean, does that mean the same thing will happen to me? apparently NOT people! the doc said that just because it happened to my mum it doesn't automatically happen to me (baby has daddy's genes apparently). 

Since this post is all about labour and birth, I thought I would tell the story about my birth.

It was Oct 12 1979 and the civil war had started in El Salvador. Abuelita started the contractions in the middle of the night but had to wait until 6am on the 13th to go to the hospital with Tata because the guerillas had put a curfew which meant that you could not be outside between certain hours of the day and night. So anyway, of they went to the hospital (very scared of course, and praying that the guerillas wouldn't stop them while they were driving) and when they arrived at the hospital the doctor quickly examined abuelita and gave her two options:

  • Go back home as she had not dilated enough and I had not quite moved into the right position
  • Or have a Cesarean that day. 
What were they to do?!..... Abuelita tells the story that it was very dangerous to be on the road because of the war, so they decided that since they had already driven all the way to the hospital they were best to stay there and have the Cesarean instead of risking their lives by going back home! So on the 13th October 1979 in the middle of a civil war, I was born in a hospital where there were hardly any midwives to help as none of them could come to work because it was too dangerous! Abuelita tells me that Mama Nena (Abuelita's mum) had to help her, as there was hardly anybody around! Imagine that....31 years ago the way Abuelita had me is very different to how bubba G will be born.

Bubba G: When you are older you will have to get your Abuelita to tell you this story, and hear from her how dangerous it was for her back then when she was in labour.



  1. Wow, what a story! Hopefully Bubba G's entrance to the world is a little less eventful :)
    (oh, and incidentally it appears I can now finally comment on your blog!) x

  2. love this story! great for the baby blog/book!
